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Saturday, December 27, 2008

In Between Holidays

I hadn't realized until this moment just how consuming the holidays can be. I'm currently working on a new story but it's been tough to get out the words with all the interruptions. But that's life.

Sitting in an airport the other day waiting for an arriving plane I did get a chance to read a new Nocturne novel: Scions: Revelation by Patrice Michelle. I am always fascinated by the new twists an author can put on paranormal characters. Vampires, werewolves and other para character types have been around for so long, creating a unique view is a worthwhile challenge. I particularly enjoyed this story for employing a new character type the Velius while distancing werewolves and vampires from their stereotypical norm. It's a good read and worth checking out if you get a chance.

Well, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Suzanne Ross Jones said...

Hope you enjoyed your Christmas and have a great New Year.

Rhonda said...

You too, Suzanne.

Kaye Manro said...

Sounds like a good read, Rhonda. I like twists too.