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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day Care Model - The Beginning

My House in SLMy first foray into Second Life (SL) began as many a story does with research. I spent several days immersing myself in the SL environment to understand how to get around and how to interact with its inhabitants so that I could better understand the challenges and training that would be required of the real life (RL) students and instructors. There are some excellent tutorials (my main recommendation Virtual Ability) that take less than hour to complete and give any budding SL inhabitant the tools they need.

My Avatar in SLMy second research step was to learn about day care centers and some of the recommended criteria for their layout and operation. This included ideal locations, building layout, playground requirements, and the options for service that a day care center can provide like overnight and weekender stays for children.

Finally, the last step was to build a proof of concept model to show that we could build a day care center with all the necessary requirements while fitting into the boundaries of the SL environment. In the next few blogs I will talk about what I have learned while we've built the components along with a few pictures of our progress.

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