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RED Blog

Friday, February 13, 2009

Daycare - The Interior

One of the more involved parts of building the Second Life day care center model was working on the interior and I found myself thinking alot about character creation. In the actual model, I had to determine ideal locations for the office, the kitchen, where would the children sleep, play, and if I would have a storage area. Then once I had determine how to section the day care center, I had to decide what contents each of these sections would hold.

The process can be the same for character creation. First, you may think about what your characters may look like, how they sound and move, their attitudes. But then you have to delve a little deeper and determine your character's motivations, their history, what other influences will change their actions during the course of a story.

This particular part of this project has been more exacting so far in that you have to think about the objects your creating down to the smallest detail. In Second Life (SL), you use primitives (objects) to do your building. There are various shapes and its up to you the builder (author) to determine what shape will achieve your objective. What will make a better table, a square or a circle? If I choose a hot pink color fabric or a fun vegetable printed one, does my design (story) fail? You're also limited in SL to the number of objects you can use to build with, which means you must make your design effective while minimizing the number of objects (words) you create. The limitation at first may seem off putting, but a builder (author) soon realizes that the final product is more beautifully crafted for the effort.


Kaye Manro said...

I can imagine this SL building is much like character development. I bet it can help as you create your characters for stories too.

educational resources & SL stuff said...

way to go chica! I am so proud of you! You need to click the "follow this blog button" so I can keep up with your projects!

Kaye Manro said...

Now see-- I'm back again... just checking in. Hope you're doing well now.