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RED Blog

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Daycare Center - The Pitfalls

Okay, so most of my posts so far have been more about building objects (characters) and not alot about some of the more technical aspects of building in Second Life. About this, I mean, not just rezzing (creating) a primitive (objects in SL) but about how to do more with them to make them interactive as well as functional.

Alot of this has to do with scripting. In Second Life, what brings about the realism that most avatars experience is the ability to apply scripts to objects so that avatars can interact with them. This means you can sit on objects in any numbers of ways, you can drive a car, ride a horse, sleep, fight, dance and so much more (yes, in case your wondering, their are mature areas of SL where even more risque scripts are available).

So as part of the exercise of building a day care center in SL, I knew we would need scripting skills to learn how to animate objects. This includes simple actions such as opening a door, sitting on the floor, playing on the playground and more. Alas, when you're new to scripting in SL it not only takes some learning but practice to understand how scripts will work in the SL environment and as you can see by the snapshot above, things don't always go as planned, lol. I have had some rather comical experiences so far and also some successful ones. One of my favorites is the slide I made on the life sized playground (right).


Kaye Manro said...

That slide looks like fun! I think scripting would be the hard part of this. So what other fun and funny things are you creating?

Rhonda said...

Most of the items I'm creating revolve around the center itself. Some part were more complicated like building all the little pieces for the stove, and others were more fun like putting together a swing set.

I think I had the most fun building the toys though, including one of those stacking ring sets...